"Respond with innovation, not with lawsuits"
Apple have made a bad move in my opinion recently. They have acquired a patent that basically prevents competitors making decent smart phones. More details on the patent can be found here: http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20073461-264/apples-new-multitouch-patent-faq/
Now competitors don't have many options, but to pay Apple licensing fees so they can access the patent portfolio, or deal with an expensive lawsuit.
This kind of attitude towards competitors means instead of Apple needing to be even more innovative to stay in front of competitors it can instead just accuse them of patent infringement. This means we won't get the new innovative phones and devices like we should be getting when companys are in competition. Google's Eric Schmidt said:
Because they are not responding with innovation, they're responding with lawsuits.
We have not done anything wrong and these lawsuits are just inspired by our success.'
HTC a Taiwanese company who develops Google android devices has recently come under fire from these new Apple owned patents, and as a result , their shares have fell to a six month low. Google has commented on HTC's on-going patent infringement battle saying simply:
I hope Google, HTC and other Android device developers win this battle and keep the smart phone market competitive and innovative.

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