12th December 2011 · By Lee Jacobson

Hello, I'm a web designer

Hello, my name’s Lee and I’m a web designer. Do you know what that means?

Let me explain. I create websites that work well and look good. Unlike you I understand the importance of not using popups, making a background repeatable and not playing your stupid music on every page. Want to use popups and put music everywhere? Then fuck off. Find someone else to make your site, and if they’re happy to, then they suck at their job.

Please just do what you’re paid for and let me do the same. If you try to do my job for me people will end up laughing at your website and it will probably end up on some internet board for shit websites. But guess what? If you leave me alone you might actually end up with a decent website that your customers enjoy and use. They might even recommend you.

What’s that? You’re step-brothers friend can make your website for £150? Go ahead; I’m sure it will look like crap. In fact I’d put money on it that it won’t work in IE. If you’re lucky he might even create it with webs.com.

So you want a website that your customers will enjoy using, one that works in all browsers and is easy to update? Send me an email: lee@cwpstudios with a dot com and I’ll make you something worth your money.

Thanks for your time.


Lee JacobsonHello, I'm Lee.
I'm a developer from the UK who writes about technology and startups. Here you'll find articles and tutorials about things that interest me. If you want to hire me or know more about me head over to my about me page

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