Developing Athesyn
I'm so excited right now, I need to write it all out. Let me explain...
My primary current project (Athesyn) is just starting to pull together. Sure, most the features that will really define the site haven't even been started yet, but right now, for the first time, I can see how this website will look.
For thoses of you who don't know, which I assume is pretty much everyone reading this. Athesyn is a social news website. Yeah, I know... It doesn't sound like much right? Well, it is. Athesyn isn't like the other social news sites out there at the moment. I don't even like calling it one because it's so much more advanced. It's like saying the IPhone is just a phone. I wish I could explain to you some of differences between Athesyn and other social news websites, but it's still too early into the development for me to comment on exact features. Just know, it's like I said, Athesyn's a social news site like the IPhone is a phone.
Of course I am massively biased and it's hard for me to explain how beautiful this website is, but trust me, it's so beautiful. It has an incredibly satisfying user experience, and I have to say, I think if the user interface can stay as perfect as it is right now when the website is finished, it is quite easily the best user interface I've ever seen.
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I'm a developer from the UK who writes about technology and startups. Here you'll find articles and tutorials about things that interest me. If you want to hire me or know more about me head over to my about me page